Self-care is a good option, especially for someone new to the game who is not going to have many unlocked advantages, since it comes from a character whose teaching advantages are very useful, making it easy to achieve a viable configuration without many hours of play. Self-care is a tool like any other advantage of the game, and considering that I will see people spend entire games trying to do silly things with Head On or using Pebble just to throw it in the face of the killer, Self-Care is far from being the least worrying thing for me because of the benefits I see from using people. Botanical knowledge helps mitigate this at a more reasonable time, and if you manage to keep control of your team's healing while using botanical knowledge, you'll save everyone a good amount of time, since your healings will take approximately 15 seconds longer than others. Self-care is meta+ very useful because only one person is needed to complete an action and without it you need two.
So in terms of healing, what does this mean? Returning to personal care, let's look at some scenarios, but they can also apply to medicine cabinets and other forms of healing. In other words, if you try to take care of yourself (-50% healing) within the terror radius of a killer with coulrophobia (-50% cure rate), you can continue to progress in that healing even if they are two modifiers of -50%. Desperate measures add up to 14% for every injured survivor, 2 injured survivors plus personal care and botanical knowledge 3% in 18 seconds.
Suppose you have knowledge of botany (+ 33%) and resilience (+ 9%), but you are devastated (-20%) and you are taking care of yourself (-50%).
That's why I've compiled a series of tables that use not only personal care, but also the most common synergistic advantages and disadvantages of Killer.Self-care includes activities of daily living (ADL) that involve the promotion and maintenance of personal well-being.